Friday, September 07, 2007

(Writing for publication) Useful book list

Recently, my instructor of the writing class suggested us a list of books for improving our writing. The followings are the list of books. Actually, I ever bought some books in Barnes and Nobel bookstore, but tell the truth, those books, like 'Dummy' or 'Idiot' series, are really for some entry level person. Those books that my instructor suggested are really advanced reference books which tell you the logic and strategy behind the writing.

Here is the list.
  1. The Elements of Style. by Strunk and White
  2. Handbook for Academic Authors by Beth Luey
  3. Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors, Second Edition by Joseph.
  4. Revising Prose (5th edition) by Richard A. Lanham.
I didn't get those books, but I already read couples chapters from them. In book 'Writing and Publishing for Academic Authors', the author do point out habits of unproductive writers, which I all have. The one habit I really agree with is being a marathon fashion on doing other activity. Yes, most of time I spent more time on doing my research than writing. Obviously, that's why my writing skill is poor.

Since I have already knew the problem of my writing, the most important thing is how to improve it. Right now, I bought lot of books for correcting my wrong concept and planning new strategy for writing. Next time, I am going to write comments about the improvement (I hope).


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